LIVE at Rush Skatepark – Stroud, England

Meet all the Lil Pros, Mark Webb, female rider Kayley Ashworth, owner of Total BMX, Entity BMX Shop, & more. Here is the timeline:
02:30 Introduction with Lil Pros BMX Tour Host Dustin Grice
12:20 Will Hogg (14 Years Old)
15:30 Alphie (7 Years Old)
17:20 Troy Hayward (12 Years Old)
20:00 Mark Webb (Professional Rider)
28:00 Max Carley (13 Years Old)
31:25 Matt Nicklen owner of Entity BMX Shop
39:00 George Batty (14 Years Old)
43:50 Jack Magiure (12 Years Old)
47:35 Joshua Cunningham (10 Years Old)
53:40 Kayley Ashworth (Professional Female Rider)
59:00 Kid who wants a Goody Bag
1:00:35 Michelle Duffy (BMX Super Mom)
1:06:00 Anthony Duffy (13 Years Old)
1:12:30 Thank You’s
1:20:00 Ronnie Remo owner of Total BMX Bike Company
1:25:00 Jack Watts (Professional BMX Rider, 16 Years Old)

*Watch this for the AUDIO interviews, not the video, quality is limited to local data connection & current technology on hand.

LIVE WEBCAST with the kids starting shortly! Tweet questions now @LILPROSBMXTOUR! Tune in at 4pm GMT at (America 10am CST, 8am PST) #LILPROSBMXTOUR #UK @RUSHSKATEPARK

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