We are very excited to announce our kick off to 2016 in the United States! We’re headed to Wisconsin! We will be headed to both Ray’s MTB & 4 Seasons on Saturday, March 12th, 2016. The session will start at 11am.
Are you planning on joining our session? Fill out the Join The Tour Form & let us know! You can also reserve your brand new Special Limited Edition Lil Pros MKE T-Shirt & Hoodie! Available in both youth and adult sizes, must reserve by March 1st to be included in the order which will be delivered to Ray’s at the start of the session:) You can reserve your shirt on the Join The Tour Form. We greatly appreciate any support to help keep the tour alive!
As always normal session rates may apply, always support your local indoor skateparks:))
The Facebook Event for this session is located here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1640672836198301/
Shred soon!