
Lil Pros UK BMX Tour: Rush Skatepark – Stroud, England

The Lil Pros UK BMX Tour hits up Rush Skatepark located in Stroud, England. From 8-14 years old, watch these talented kids throw down on Rush’s very dialed wooden pump track/trail section, and bowl/street areas. And as usual, you may even see a few special guest pros as well… And don’t forget to watch the LIVE interviews with the crew:

Riders: George Batty, Max Carley, Troy Hayward, Jack Maguire, Anthony Duffy, Oakley Way, Reef Way, Joshua Cunningham, Will Hogg
Special Thanks: Rush Skatepark, Mark Webb, Kayley Ashworth, Ronnie Remo, Jack Watts, Matt Nicklen N2T, Parents, Locals
Sponsors: Total BMX, Link Foundation, BMX Plus! Magazine, #BMXLIFEAPP, Stay Strong BMX, The Factory, Entity BMX Shop, Fat BMX, Dan’s Competition
Host: Dustin Grice
Filming/Editing: Matt Nicklen/Dustin Grice

Want to be on the next Lil Pros BMX Tour? Follow @LILPROSBMXTOUR and Visit

Lil Pros UK BMX Tour – Day 2 – Prevail Skatehouse – Poole, England

Hosted by Dustin Grice, Day 2 of the Lil Pros BMX Tour hits up Prevail Skatehouse and Entity BMX Shop located in Poole, England. From 8-14 years old, watch these talented kids throw down on Prevail’s very unique rhythm/box jump section, bowl & street areas, and a gorgeous mini ramp with double coping spine. You may even see a few special guest pros as well. Look forward to seeing the final edit at another one of England’s hottest new indoor parks, Rush Skatepark.

Riders: George Batty, Max Carley, Troy Hayward, Jack Maguire, Anthony Duffy, Oakley Way, Reef Way, Joshua Cunningham, Will Hogg, Patrick Page
Special Thanks: Prevail Skatehouse & Entity BMX Shop in Poole, Remo, Jack Watts, Harry, Matt Nicklen N2T, Parents, Locals
Sponsors: Total BMX, Link Foundation, BMX Plus! Magazine, #BMXLIFEAPP, Stay Strong BMX, The Factory, Entity BMX Shop, Fat BMX, Dan’s Competition
Filming/Editing: Matt Nicklen/Dustin Grice

Want to be on the next Lil Pros BMX Tour? Follow @LILPROSBMXTOUR and Visit

Lil Pros UK BMX Tour – Day 1 – Rob Ridge’s Trick Factory – Bridport, England

Watch out kids, the UK is coming in hot… Kicking off our Lil Pros UK Tour at Rob Ridge’s Trick Factory, right out of the gate these 8-13 year olds easily made a statement with 3 whip trains, handplants, 540’s, and oppo bar airs… Look forward to seeing the next two edits at Prevail Skatehouse and Rush Skatepark.

Riders: George Batty, Max Carley, Troy Hayward, Jack Maguire, Anthony Duffy, Oakley Way, Reef Way, Joshua Cunningham
Special Thanks: Trick Factory in Bridport, Rob Ridge, Matt Nicklen N2T, Damian, Georgia, Parents, Locals
Sponsors: Total BMX, Link Foundation, BMX Plus! Magazine, #BMXLIFEAPP, Stay Strong BMX, The Factory, Entity BMX Shop, Fat BMX, Dan’s Competition
Host: Dustin Grice

Want to be on the next Lil Pros BMX Tour? Follow @LILPROSBMXTOUR and Visit

LIVE at Rush Skatepark – Stroud, England

Meet all the Lil Pros, Mark Webb, female rider Kayley Ashworth, owner of Total BMX, Entity BMX Shop, & more. Here is the timeline:
02:30 Introduction with Lil Pros BMX Tour Host Dustin Grice
12:20 Will Hogg (14 Years Old)
15:30 Alphie (7 Years Old)
17:20 Troy Hayward (12 Years Old)
20:00 Mark Webb (Professional Rider)
28:00 Max Carley (13 Years Old)
31:25 Matt Nicklen owner of Entity BMX Shop
39:00 George Batty (14 Years Old)
43:50 Jack Magiure (12 Years Old)
47:35 Joshua Cunningham (10 Years Old)
53:40 Kayley Ashworth (Professional Female Rider)
59:00 Kid who wants a Goody Bag
1:00:35 Michelle Duffy (BMX Super Mom)
1:06:00 Anthony Duffy (13 Years Old)
1:12:30 Thank You’s
1:20:00 Ronnie Remo owner of Total BMX Bike Company
1:25:00 Jack Watts (Professional BMX Rider, 16 Years Old)

*Watch this for the AUDIO interviews, not the video, quality is limited to local data connection & current technology on hand.

LIVE WEBCAST with the kids starting shortly! Tweet questions now @LILPROSBMXTOUR! Tune in at 4pm GMT at (America 10am CST, 8am PST) #LILPROSBMXTOUR #UK @RUSHSKATEPARK

Lil Pros UK BMX Tour BONUS EPISODE: Pregaming in Scotland at Unit 23 Skatepark

Something is definitely in the water here in Scotland when 12 year olds have no problem doing flairs and 360 double whips… From 6 to 14 years old, the riding and Scottish accents from this session will keep you pumped for next weekend’s Lil Pros UK BMX Tour 7-9 Feb 2014

Riders: Anthony Duffy, Kieran Riley, Paul Friel, Mark Ducat, Cormack, Dylan Austin
Special Thanks: Unit 23 Skatepark in Scotland, Dot, Michelle, Jason Phelan, Kriss Kyle, locals
Sponsors: @totalbmx @linkfoundation @bmxplusmag @bmxlifeapp @staystrongbmx @ridetcff @entitybmxshop @fatbmx @danscomp
Host: Dustin Grice

Lil Pros UK BMX Tour Pregaming with Troy Hayward, George Batty, and Max Carley at Prevail Skatehouse

The UK tour is less than two weeks away, and the boys are getting ready… Come shred with all of us 7-9 Feb 2014